Sunday, March 9, 2025


 So, I was painting a miniature yesterday, a War Mammoth, and realized I had painted something the wrong material. I had it painted as metal, and it turned out that it should have been leather.

This happens quite a bit in miniature painting but doesn't often get discussed. Trying to figure out what's what on a sculpt done by a stranger can be hard. Especially once you factor in mold-lines and the imperfect duplication that occurs with cheaper materials and processes.  

Cheaper miniatures often have soft features which can distort our perception of what they are supposed to be. It can be quite frustrating when you paint something and halfway through realize you need to completely repaint an entire section.

But the good news is you can repaint it. That's the beauty of miniature painting. You can always fix it. And I did.   

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Here's the thing

Basically, the three things I talk about the most are politics, Warframe, and miniature painting. 

Politics is something I don't really want to blog about. I'm using politics as a broad term for the state of the world and current events. If you want that I suggest Ramblings from the Path of Bones. I try to keep my online voice positive, and it's hard to be positive about politics these days.

Warframe would be hard for me to blog about. I could talk about updates? But I am completely biased when it comes to this game. I love it. I love the people making it. I love their community. Because of this I am blind to their mistakes most of the time. All I'd be doing is cheerleading and that's not very interesting.

Miniature painting is something else I'm not sure people would be interested in. And I'm not sure how to blog about it. I might try it, though. I could use this as a journal of my progress as a painter. I still have a lot to learn, though I've been painting for over a decade all told. I didn't take it very seriously for most of that time, but in the past few years I've really wanted to improve. And I have, but there are techniques I have barely attempted and don't have a great understanding of.

So, this was me pretty much decision making in real-time on the internet. Looks like miniature painting might be the way I go. Still leaving myself open to other ideas.   

Friday, March 7, 2025

Okay, it's not

 Automatic, that is. 

Not sure why I called it that. Felt right at the time. But I actually have to work at this.

Thursday, March 6, 2025


Starting a blog. Why? I'm not sure. What will I talk about? I don't know. 

Probably miniatures, maybe Warframe, possibly even other things. We'll see where this takes us. I mean, I need more things to do in my day, right?